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  • News, Research


    It is expected that attitudes towards immigration, trust in parliament and satisfaction with the way democracy works in Germany will actually have an impact on the early federal election.

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  • News, Research


    The tendency not to categorically rule out an authoritarian leadership in our country can only be partially explained by dissatisfaction with the way our democracy works. A critical attitude towards immigration and a positive attitude towards the principle of authority itself are also of substantial importance. A political discussion that only wanted to explain the acceptance of authoritarian leadership with dissatisfaction with democracy falls short. This is shown by an analysis of data from the European Social Survey on the topic of "democracy", which was collected in the fourth quarter of 2021 as part of survey round 10, here using the data for Germany.

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  • News, Research


    How challenging are digital technologies for society?

    War and conflict, irregular migration, environmental problems and climate change are the TOP 3 of the "biggest challenges" for the European Union that were seen by respondents in the sub-study for Germany of the Flash Eurobarometer 550 in mid-2024. In contrast, digital and new technologies are at the bottom of the list of challenges surveyed.

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  • News, Research


    Does immigration endanger the rule of law? What does it mean for the basic principle that in a rule of law no one is above the law if people who are critical of immigration also advocate obedience and respect for authority as an educational goal?

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  • News, Research


    A critical attitude towards immigration goes hand in hand with a positive understanding of authority.

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